Professional Tax Preparers Pros and Cons

prepping taxes alone

As tax season approaches, individuals and businesses find themselves faced with the annual challenge of preparing and filing their taxes. While some prefer the do-it-yourself (DIY) approach, others opt for the expertise of professional tax preparers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of enlisting the help of professional tax preparers and contrast them with the advantages and disadvantages of using tax preparation software. Whether you trust a professional or tackle the task on your own, understanding the merits and drawbacks of each option is crucial.

Pros and Cons of Professional Tax Preparers

woman doing taxes

Professional tax preparers offer a range of benefits but also come with certain drawbacks. Let’s delve into both sides of the coin to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Professional Tax Preparers

When it comes to navigating the complex world of taxes, many individuals turn to professional tax preparers for assistance. These experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience in tax laws and regulations, making them well-equipped to handle various tax-related matters. There are several advantages to enlisting the help of professional tax preparers.

Expertise and Knowledge

One of the primary advantages of hiring a professional tax preparer is their expertise and in-depth knowledge of tax laws and regulations. Certified tax professionals like us at Simplicity Financial stay abreast of the latest changes in tax codes, ensuring that your returns are accurate and compliant.

Time Savings

Tax preparation can be a time-consuming process, particularly for those with complex financial situations. Professional tax preparers can streamline the process, saving you valuable time and reducing the stress associated with the intricate details of tax filing.

Minimization of Errors

Mistakes on tax returns can be costly, leading to fines and delays in processing. Professional tax preparers are trained to identify potential errors, reducing the risk of inaccuracies on your tax forms.

Audit Support

In the unfortunate event of an audit, having a professional tax preparer by your side can be invaluable. They can guide you through the process, provide necessary documentation, and represent you before tax authorities.

Year-round Assistance

Unlike tax software that is only used during tax season, professional tax preparers offer year-round support. This can be beneficial for addressing tax-related questions or planning for future tax implications.

Cons of Professional Tax Preparers

While there are several advantages to hiring a professional tax preparer, it is also important to consider the potential drawbacks.


Hiring a professional tax preparer can be more expensive than opting for a DIY approach or using tax preparation software. The fees charged by tax professionals vary based on the complexity of your tax situation.


Relying on a professional might create a sense of dependency, making it tempting to neglect understanding the intricacies of your own finances. Empowering yourself with basic tax knowledge is essential for making informed financial decisions.

Availability and Accessibility

During peak tax season, professional tax preparers may be inundated with clients, potentially leading to delays in scheduling appointments or receiving timely assistance.

Privacy Concerns

Sharing sensitive financial information with a third party raises privacy concerns. While reputable tax preparers adhere to strict confidentiality standards, the risk of data breaches or misuse always exists.

Uniformity of Service

The quality of service provided by professional tax preparers can vary. Choosing a reputable and experienced tax professional is crucial to ensure accurate and reliable assistance.

Prefer To Do Your Own Taxes? Tax Preparation Software Pros and Cons

guy doing his own taxes

For those who prefer a hands-on approach to tax preparation, various tax software options are available. Let’s explore the pros and cons of choosing to do your own taxes with the help of tax preparation software.

Pros of Tax Preparation Software


Tax preparation software is generally more cost-effective than hiring a professional tax preparer. Many options offer free versions for simple tax returns.


Most tax software is designed to be user-friendly, with step-by-step guidance and intuitive interfaces. This makes it accessible for individuals with varying levels of financial literacy.


DIY tax preparation allows you to work at your own pace and on your own schedule. You can complete your taxes from the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for appointments and travel.

Quick Turnaround

Using tax software often results in a quicker turnaround time for filing your taxes. Electronic filing options can expedite the processing of your return and speed up any potential refunds.

Learning Opportunity

Doing your own taxes can be a valuable learning experience. It forces you to understand your financial situation, deductions, and credits, empowering you to make informed financial decisions.

Cons of Tax Preparation Software

prepping taxes alone

Limited Support

While tax software provides guidance, it may not offer the same level of personalized support as a professional tax preparer. You may miss valuable tax deductions due to a lack of expertise. If you encounter complex issues, you might need to seek additional assistance.

Potential for Errors

DIY tax preparation increases the risk of errors, especially for individuals with intricate financial situations. Professionals have tax preparer liability insurance, but you likely do not. Misinterpreting tax laws or entering information incorrectly can result in mistakes on your return.


Time and Effort

Despite being user-friendly, tax software can still be time-consuming, particularly if you have a complex financial situation. Navigating through various forms and entering data accurately can be challenging.

Lack of Personalization

Tax software follows a one-size-fits-all approach, which may not cater to the unique aspects of your financial situation. Professional tax preparers can provide a more personalized approach to address individual needs.

Security Concerns

As with any online activity, there is a risk of cybersecurity threats when using tax preparation software. It’s essential to choose reputable software providers and take necessary precautions to protect your personal information. Always check with your state’s government to see if your tax preparation software has been approved. For example, the list of approved tax preparation software for California can be found here.

Stop Searching For a Trusted Tax Preparer

two guys preparing taxes

For those seeking the assurance of expertise, time savings, and year-round support, professional tax preparers stand out. Their ability to navigate the ever-evolving tax laws, minimize errors, and provide personalized assistance during audits can be invaluable. However, the cost of hiring a professional, potential privacy concerns, and the dependency on external expertise should be carefully considered.

On the other hand, tax preparation software caters to individuals who prefer a cost-effective, user-friendly, and convenient approach to filing their taxes. The software’s quick turnaround time, accessibility, and the opportunity for self-learning make it an appealing option for those with straightforward financial situations. Nevertheless, the lack of personalized support, the potential for errors, and security concerns underscore the importance of careful consideration when opting for this DIY method.

In conclusion, whether you engage a professional tax preparer or opt for a DIY approach with tax preparation software, understanding the pros and cons of each option is crucial. Simplicity Financial is here to provide trusted and reliable tax preparation services, offering expertise, personalized assistance, and a commitment to accuracy. Contact us today to ensure a smooth and stress-free tax season.


The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, legal, financial, or tax advice. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change; you should consult with a professional tax advisor, financial planner, or attorney for advice specific to your individual circumstances. The author and Simplicity Financial disclaim any liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided or for any actions taken in reliance on this information.
